Category Archives: Parent Category

Getting In Shape

This past year has been one of my laziest years in a while! This is the first year of not playing sports and honestly that can make a big difference! I finally have had enough and it’s time to get back in shape, and also for all of those who also is dealing with that too, get a membership at a gym! If you prefer no gym, then just taking daily walks and runs in the neighborhood is awesome! Lately I have been taking classes at the gym, like yoga, Zumba, spin(cycling), and piloxing which is boxing, Pilates, & dancing! Just by doing these classes are getting me even more motivated so just find that special “groove” that motivates you and stick with it!

How To Keep Moving Forward

Have you had one of those moments where you feel that the thing you’re supposed to be the best at, or a passion of yours just feels lost? That’s how I’m feeling right now. I feel like a suckee when it comes to my “passion for fashion” right now… So how are we supposed to move forward with what we want so badly, when were feeling as if we’re a 5 out of 10 person for the job? Maybe it’s that time of the month and I’m overthinking everything, or maybe it’s not meant to be, or maybe it’s just a sign for me to try harder or even use my brain. Who knows? But I know one thing, is if I want it so bad, I have to try a little harder and stop being a whining teenager and go after it.

Stuck in a time zone

Ever feel like time is going so fast, you don’t know what to do? That is me right now. I feel like everything, everyday is going by so fast, I need a minute to catch my breath. It’s crazy. Spring break is pretty much over now, and I feel like I wasted it. I feel like we’re all living in the “moment” but not exactly because before we know it, tomorrow is “today”. I’m a sophomore in highschool and I feel like I am getting so old… which anyone, like my parents, or anyone over thirty five, would beg to differ. I want to enjoy my child years, I want to live and be young as long as I can, but a part of me also wants to fly the “nest” and explore what’s out there for me. I wanna enjoy my youth as much as I can, but I’m not going to lie, I wish I was traveling, living my dream, and wish I was older to make my own decisions. Then I’m that stubborn child again, who wants their mother to cook her food, wash her laundry, and to spoil and pamper her. This is to every kid who wishes to be an adult. That time isn’t going anywhere. Well it is… it’s coming fast, but also your child years are also disappearing right in front of you. So live it up as much as you can because before you know it, it’ll be gone, and you’ll be old, and wishing to go back.